Friday, 6 May 2011

Boden Autumn/Winter preview

Hello, may I speak to Mr Boden please?

Yesterday Amy and I were lucky enough to go to the preview of the Boden Autumn/Winter 2011/12 collection. As usual, the setting was amazing, the whole room was Boden-ed up to the max with prints on every available surface.

Before we went in the door we were greeted by this fantastic taxi.
No, we did not get a lift home in this

And the loveliness continued inside. We signed in on an old fashioned type writer (not one of those fancy iPad ones) to be greeted by the lovely Boden folk and their magnificent room full of clothes. 

We started off with the teen range, Johnnie b which continues to be my favourite of all the Boden ranges. 

Here, the colours were a little more muted, the graphic T's cool, the prints ditzy and subtle. I love thee Johnnie b.

Loved the cute detail on this top...

This top came in several lovely colours...

There is real attention to detail in this range, look at the lace on this cardigan...

And I loved this leather jacket, the leather was buttery as it should be and look at the shocking pink lining. Swoon.

Of course, this range is meant to teenagers, and there is no doubting that despite being just a bit older than a teenager* the skirts and dresses are way too short for me. It doesn't stop me from wanting the tops though. I wish there was a bit more of this muted style in the main range.

In the middle of the room was this amazing Boden art installation where they had covered every random object you could imagine in Boden print.

Lampshade? check. Oars? check. Skateboard? check. Skis? check.

This Boden boat looks overloaded and a little dangerous to me.
Don't get on it.

Why not use your old buggy to store snazzy socks in?

Ordinary pianos are boring, add a bit of Boden bling

I would suggest that putting a Boden teapot on your child's highchair
might not be that safe. But I think this baby has bigger 
problems than the teapot e.g. it doesn't have a head

And at the end of the day, when you are done with skiing in your Boden skis and rowing your Boden boat, put the dog to bed in their Boden kennel and put the Boden TV on.

There was menswear, I have to be honest, I didn't look at it, being a girl. I did take this photo though, I don't think it gives you a very accurate representation of the menswear collection, but it is quite factual, so you may find it useful.

Next to the Mini Boden collection. I was very pleased to spot a few of my favourites from last year, this layered skirt on the left was a huge hit with my daughter last winter, she wore it all the time.

Had a brought a bigger bag with me, I might have tried to smuggle this mini Eames rocker out with me. Hi my name is Kate, and I am a chair addict.

Craft alert - look at these amazing clouds with Boden print raindrops - Boden even controls the weather. Dear Boden, please make it sunny this weekend. Amy and I discussed that we could make these for a children's party and then cackled at the idea because - who were we kidding?

This wall of rosettes was amazing. I think this may have been my dream as a little girl.

Loved these pumps and trainers...

Head over heals in love with this dress, it shall be mine my daughters. That hat was very cute, and I loved the navy dress too, it had a lovely bow detail at the neck.

For the baby boys...

For the baby girls...


Just one dress from the maternity collection on show. For you lucky ladies who are expecting, wrap your bump in this jersey goodness.

On to the ladies, I loved this navy collection - navy being my wardrobe staple. Look at that patent satchel. yes please.

I love the details that you get in Boden clothes, look at this lining.

And in red...

Rainbow cashmere anyone?

Trapper hat to keep your ears warm... there is no way I could pull this off, but it does look cozy.

There was a wall of envelopes with postcards of Boden prints. It was heaven.


A recap from earlier, in case you had forgot, there will be a test later.

A few more shots of the amazing room.

Was I the only one photographing the sofa? Mid-century furniture makes me go weak at the knees.

Dear Boden, please make my house like this. Currently it is dominated by Playmobil.

And finally back to that magnificent shoe mountain, but look closely and you will see shiny jewels to.

There's my bag again.

If you were to climb a shoe mountain, I would suggest not doing it in these shoes...

So, I told you there would be a test:

Q: What makes Boden, Boden?



... and colour

10 'M is for make' points if you got it right.

* this is a lie


  1. Must.have.patent.satchel.
    Also, green boots look good. I didn't buy any Boden summer stuff, but it looks like the Autumn is going to be bonanza time for me!

  2. Wow, what a feast! The piano, those raindrops, - I love and want it all. Thanks for sharing these pics.
    I got my lovely package of Alexander Henry fabrics yesterday & adore them. I featured them on my blog if u want to nip over for a look. x

  3. Wowwwwww, so lucky to go to the previews, I like your bag very much, my black dress with the flowers on (about halfway down the ladies stuff) is worth me checking for the preview website daily from now on! Great pics x

  4. I love it all! I feel filled with inspiration. Thank you!! I have to say though, while I love everything, the piano is the funnest ever!! I need it! (And the wall of gorgeous envelopes + postcards is up there, too.)

  5. Great stuff - any idea when the preview will be online ?

  6. Thanks all, I think the preview is available from the end of May, so keep checking!

  7. here it is! ciao from Italy. clara

  8. Great and I have a keen give: How Long Does House Renovation Take hgtv home renovation

  9. I love how much attention to detail they put into the Johnnie b range.
